Handbags are actually a very broad term, with various materials and different prices, such as plastic handbags, canvas handbags, non-woven handbags, kraft paper handbags, DuPont paper handbags, washed kraft paper tote bags, flannel tote bags, etc., among many materials, non-woven tote bags and canvas tote gift bags have always been a product that many people like. It is also the first choice for many companies to customize the two materials, because their material and nature determine the price of the company’s customization. The handbag manufacturer introduces the difference between these two materials:
First, let’s get to know the canvas tote bag together:
The canvas tote bag has always been a representative of high-end products in tote bags or gift bags. Because it is woven from cotton and is also a pure natural environmentally friendly material, the cost is higher than that of non-woven fabrics. However, the advertising efficiency of this kind of bag customized by the company is longer. Due to the particularity of its material, it is used The time is longer than non-woven bags, so the advertising effect is better. At present, more well-known enterprises or government agencies use this material. So in terms of time and advertising benefits, canvas bags are more durable and advantageous to handbag manufacturers.
Secondly, let’s talk about non-woven tote bags.
Non-woven tote bags are not as high-end as canvas tote bags and Oxford cloth tote bags. Non-woven handbags generally win by quantity. Basically, there are more non-woven handbags used by bulk customizers. Therefore, many companies will choose non-woven handbags as a promotional medium for the company or their products.
Guangzhou Tongxing Packaging Products Co.,Ltd. major in many kinds of bags since 2000, OEM/ODM are welcome, any questions please feel free to contact us, many thanks.
Post time: May-27-2021