As a leading global bags manufacturer, we offer quality and environmental products.
We are directly Factory, one-stop solution from design to finished, quality products with competitive price. We can improve your ideas into reality.
We are Disney/BSCI Audit Factory, focus on environmental products, and can custom made all kinds of bags.
Guangzhou Tongxing Packaging Product Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer for a wide series of bags based on a group of top designers, excellent marketing team and abundance of skilled workers. Following the fashion trend and market development, our products involve in shopping bags(non woven bags, pp woven bags, canvas bags), cosmetic bags, drawstring bags, cooler bags, backpacks etc. Tongxing has rich experiences in OEM/ODM, factory passed Disney factory Audit, BSCI, ISO, SGS certificates. With essence of Tongxing Packaging is “integrity management, innovation service and quality commitment. Therefore, we have obtained the trust of customers all over the world. Our Cooperators include Disney, Coca-cola, Desigual, Julies, PEPSI, etc.